CBD oil - Shop
CBD oil is a preparation that is a combination of hemp flower extract with a base, organic hemp oil. Such an oil is supplementary in nature due to its content of CBD, essential nutrients for the body to function efficiently, and the full spectrum of other bioactive phytochemicals from the hemp plant.
Hemp oil is a source of exogenous cannabinoids. These are on may support the maintenance of normal endocannabinoid system function.
CBD oil is usually referred to as a dietary supplement produced from the flowers of the hemp plant, a legal variety of cannabidiol (CBD)-rich hemp. For CBD oil to be legal, the content of psychoactive cannabinoids (THC and THCa) must not exceed 0.3%.
Full spectrum extract is considered the best type. In addition to cannabidiol, you will find trace but significant amounts of other phytochemicals - including CBDa, CBG, CBC, CBN and flavonoids and terpenes, among others.
Good cbd oil should, contain a trace, legal amount of THC. Containing tetrahydrocannabinol, full spectrum CBD oil is associated with synergistic effects. Cannabinoids in combination with flavonoids and terpenes work more effectively in a group than each alone.
These cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes exhibit a range of proven and potential therapeutic and medicinal properties. Cannabinoids (CBD and THC) are components of registered medicines for the treatment of certain difficult-to-treat and resistant to conventional drugs diseases. However, this does not make CBD oil a drug.
What do doctors think about CBD oils? Read here: CBD oil - doctors' opinions
Which CBD oil to choose?
All right, but which cbd oil choose? As for CBD oil, the shop offers four concentrations: 3%, 5%, 10% and 20% of cannabidiol.
Which concentration of CBD to choose?
For starters, if it's your first contact with cannabinoids, we recommend buying a cbd oil 5% (500 mg in 10 ml or 750 mg in 15 ml dropper bottles).
It's a sensible solution that will allow you, at a relatively low cost, to get an idea of how this hemp product will work in your case.
If you are an experienced user, have already established a minimum level of effective dosage, and CBD oils have become a permanent fixture in your life then go ahead:
- oil c bd 10% with a cannabidiol content of min. 1000 mg in 10 ml or 1500 mg in 15 ml bottles
- cbd oil 20% with the highest content in the shop's range of up to 2000mg of CBD in a 10 millilitre bottle.
If a little THC isn't a problem for you then it's always better to go for a formulation like Full Spectrum.
However, if for some reason you cannot have tetrahydrocannabinol in your diet then CBD oil or hemp capsules broad spectrum are the best possible choice you can make. THC-free cannabis capsules are the most popular products in our shop and are used by people from the world of sport, the services and many public trust professions such as the judiciary.
How is the best CBD oil made?
Our CBD oils are created by adding the extract to a carrier base. The most commonly used carrier oils are:
- Hemp seed oil from Cannabis Sativa L.
- coconut oil (MCT)
- olive oil
- salmon oil for animal applications
It is less common to find CBD oils based on other carriers. You will find the type of carrier oil used in the description of the respective product. Most often, CBD extract is combined with cold-pressed organic hemp oil in the production process. This preserves the unique character of the flavour and aroma of the fibre hemp.
Extraction is carried out from properly prepared dried hemp. The quality and composition of the phytochemicals of the final product are factors which, to a large extent, depend precisely on the quality and composition of the phytocomplex in the dried product used for extraction.
CBD oil producers most commonly use extraction:
- CO2 (supercritical carbon dioxide extraction)
- alcohol
The main difference between the two manifests itself in the purity of the final product. CO2 extraction guarantees purity and leaves no undesirable compounds in the oil. Alcoholic extraction, on the other hand, leaves traces of alcoholic solvents in the formulation.
Commonly, only CBD oil from CO2 extraction is considered to be of higher purity and therefore also of higher quality. Only such top-quality oils are available in our cannabis shop.
CBD oil versus hemp oil - are they the same thing?
Hemp extract oil is not the same as food-grade hemp oil. The difference is mainly in the amount of cannabinoids in one and the other product.
- Hemp oil is a functional oil cold-pressed from the seeds of Cannabis Sativa L.
- Hemp CBD oil from hempseed is usually a dietary supplement formulation. Its significantly higher content of phytochemicals accounts for its superior usefulness in terms of its function of supporting the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system.

Polish consumers use a variety of terms. Among the most popular alternative terms for CBD oils belong:
- CBD hemp oil,
- CBD oil,
- hemp oil,
- hemp oil,
- hemp CBD oil
- CBD hemp oil,
- premium hemp oil,
- CBD oil (this just happens to be regular hemp oil on isolate)
Essentially, each of these terms should mean the same thing. This is the case with the oils available in our shop. Some brands use foreign names, e.g. the English term "CBD oil" or the German term "CBD öl".
The name cannabis oil or hash oil may also appear, but these terms are better avoided because they should be reserved for products containing higher amounts of THC, which are illegal on the Polish market. These are terms for completely different preparations from CBD oil.
Is hemp CBD oil legal in Poland?
Yes - but the THC content must not exceed 0.2%. As a specialist shop, we cooperate with renowned laboratories and ensure that each of the products available in our range meets the applicable standards. Fibre hemp is the raw material from which completely legal hemp products are made. You can buy, own and use them like any other legal product.
CBD hemp oils - properties and effects
Hemp CBD oil may exhibit actions identical to the potential and confirmed properties of the compounds found in their composition - cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes. The topic of cannabidiol, its properties and effects is covered extensively in our knowledge base.
Promote proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system regulating homeostatic processes in the body.
Cannabinoids in CBD hemp oils exhibit broad therapeutic, preventive and supplementary properties:
- anti-inflammatory properties,
- analgesic effect for the relief of pain, including neuropathic pain
- antioxidant and antioxidant properties,
- antipsychotics,
- neuroprotective,
- anticancer (cannabinoids can prevent the migration and proliferation of cancer cells),
- antidiabetic,
- anti-cholesterol,
- anti-stress and anti-anxiety,
- anticonvulsants relevant to the treatment of epilepsy
- antidepressants,
- facilitates falling asleep, improving sleep quality and reducing the risk of sleep apnoea,
- reducing the risk of bone disease,
- to promote regeneration,
Remember, however, that CBD oil is not a medicine. It is not intended to treat or prevent disease.
CBD oils are not medicines and are not intended to treat or prevent disease
Hemp oil contains cannabinoids that may support the normal functioning of the endocannabinoid system. There is a very sensible and widely commented medical-scientific theory in which a deficiency of endocannabinoids is associated with disturbances in the proper functioning of this regulatory-signalling system. According to its authors, endocannabinoid deficiency hinders or prevents the proper regulation of the body's physiological processes, leading to numerous functional disorders and diseases.
Does hemp oil work against cancer?
This is a very controversial topic. There are scientific studies indicating the significant potential of cannabinoids in the treatment of certain cancers such as prostate or lung cancer. However, it should always be borne in mind that CBD oils are not medicines.
CBD hemp oil can provide an important part of the diet improving the quality of life of cancer patients - also in the period after chemotherapy. Sleep well, minimise tension and regulate mood people who are aware of a serious illness should count the use of CBD oil as a plus. However, it is essential to consult your doctor when using oils during chemotherapy, as there is a risk of interaction that must not be underestimated.
On the internet, you will find many testimonials from people who tell of successes against cancer through the use of cannabinoids in the form of CBD and/or RSO hemp oil.
These anecdotes are encouraging, but do not constitute evidence that can be considered conclusive. Scientists and physicians agree that the research results to date are promising and point to the significant therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in anti-cancer therapies.
Side effects - risk of adverse effects
In general, natural cannabinoids are well tolerated by the human body. Cannabidiol has been recognised as a safe plant-derived chemical compound by the World Health Organisation.
The use of cannabinoids is associated with the risk of non-intrusive and transient side effects. The most common adverse effects include:
- dry mouth
- irritation
- excessive sleepiness
- stomachache
- diarrhoea
- fluctuations in appetite
- dizziness
- irritability and mood swings
Very rarely, the use of oil can cause sensitisation reactions and allergies to the ingredients of the preparations.
Which CBD oil to choose?
Whenever possible, reach for full spectrum CBD oil. The phytocomposition of full spectrum is associated with a synergistic effect, making this type of CBD oil potentially the most effective. Customers universally recognise full-spectrum CBD hemp oil as the best. Spectrum of cannabinoids confirmed by analytical test certificates.
Full spectrum oils should not be used by, among others, professional athletes and those at risk of occupational consequences associated with the detection of any traces of THC in the body.
For those of you for whom THC is a barrier there are available CBD drops in the form of distilled extracts devoid of THC, e.g. cbd broad spectrum oil or cbd broad spectrum capsules.
What about the concentration of CBD drops?

CBD 20%

CBD 10%

CBD 3%

CBD 5%
CBD oil is available in different concentrations.
Beginners can choose cbd oil 3% or cbd oil 5%, whose undisputed advantage is their low price.
Low concentration CBD drops will allow you to see if the compounds in hemp are well tolerated by your body and whether, in your case, their use produces the desired results.
The next step could be CBD oil 10% and above. However, you should know that all hemp CBD oils with CBD concentrations above 15% are most often - but not always - full spectrum extracts of 15% with CBD isolate added. Our 20% Pure Hemp cbd oil is among the most valuable of its kind on the market.
CBD full spectrum oil - what does it mean?
Full spectrum means 'full spectrum'. In practice, this means full spectrum CBD oil contains all the phytochemicals that are naturally found in cannabis seeds (cannabinoids, flavonoids, turpentines). The full composition of phytochemicals allows the so-called 'entourage effect' to be achieved, as the phytochemicals in a group work better than each of them individually. Full-spectrum extract is produced by CO2 or alcohol extraction of dried hemp - including hemp flowers.
What is the composition of CBD oils?
In CBD full spectrum oils you will find:
- cannabinoids: CBD, CBDa, CBG, THC, THCV, CBC, CBN and others,
- vitamin E, A, K, B, D
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) from the omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 family,
- microelements: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
- flavonoids - flavonols (quercetin, kemferol, myrcetin, galangin and fistein), flavones (apigenin, chrysin, luteolin, orientin, baicalein and baicalein), flavonols (catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin) and the cannabis-specific flavonols: cannflavin A, cannflavin B, cannflavin C, vitexin, and isovitexin,
- Terpenes: myrcene, linalool, limonene, alpha and beta pinene, humulene, trans-caryophyllene.
CBD hemp oils contain different concentrations of cannabidiol: from 1% to as much as 30-40%. The most popular concentrations of CBD hemp oils among customers in Poland are. 5% CBD oil i CBD oil 10%. In our range, the highest concentration of oils available is 20 per cent.
CBD oil 3% is also sometimes used in pets - dogs and cats.
How do you use CBD hemp oils?
CBD hemp oils are applied sublingually. For practical information on their use, see our article how to use CBD oils. Sublingual use is associated with slightly faster absorption of cannabinoids.
The taste and aroma of CBD is very distinctive (often described as earthy, piney, peaty or grassy) and some people do not like it. For this reason, we also offer CBD capsules with the hemp extract encapsulated in a practical gel cap.
CBD oil - price
CBD oils on the market vary in price. The price you have to pay for preparation CBD from hemp, depends on, among other things:
- concentrations of cannabidiol,
- the quality of the dried hemp used for extraction,
- extraction methods,
- the quality standards used by the plant or laboratory (e.g. GMP),
- the seller's pricing policy and margin.
The least concentrated oils from alcohol extraction from small producers will be the cheapest. Unfortunately, they often do not meet any food production standards or norms.
A manufacturer whose quality standards and norms are confirmed by certificates (such as HACCP, GMP, GHP or ISO), incurs higher operating costs, which must translate into a higher price.
In return, however, you will receive a kind of quality guarantee and, in the case of CBD oils produced on the basis of organically grown fibre hemp also assures the purity of the preparation, its composition and its composition.
Just because a manufacturer is compliant and boasts certificates proving compliance with quality standards does not mean that it produces full spectrum CBD oil. Very often, companies compromise - they stick to the standards, but only because they produce an oil based on an isolate, i.e. cannabidiol in a crystalline, pure form. Such oil may be produced according to standards, but these standards are no substitute for the full spectrum of phytochemicals.
When you buy hemp CBD oil note that the final price is also a conversion per mg of CBD. The most affordable formulations are 10%, 15% and 20%. The higher the cannabidiol content, the lower the price, per milligram, will be.

CBD oil

CBD oil 5%

CBD oil 10%

CBD oil 20%
The market for hemp products is difficult. Many producers and brands cannot withstand the competition. This is particularly evident since the emergence of pandemic lockdowns and the start of the armed conflict in Ukraine.
The result is a rash of offers of very cheap cbd oil at grossly discounted prices. Of course, the chances are that this will result in you buying good quality cbd oil at a low price, but there is also a significant risk that you will buy an out-of-date oil that, at best, will not work properly.
Which CBD oil not to buy?
Stop shopping for hemp oil, when:
- it has an abnormally lower or higher price compared to reputable brands and shops,
- are available on popular auction sites - you can buy ordinary hemp seed oil falsely described as CBD,
- products are labelled as "CBD oil", "hemp oil with CBD", "hemp oil with CBD", "CBD oils". - means preparations based on an isolate, i.e. the addition of crystals to hemp seed oil, which do not provide a synergistic effect.
- an abnormally low price may mean that you are dealing with crystalline cannabidiol in cannabis oil from Chinese producers who use hemp waste from industrial land reclamation in the production process
Where to buy proven CBD hemp drops?
You ask yourself: CBD drops - Where to buy so that the quality of the product is top-notch and the price affordable? CBD oils are available in pharmacies (stationary and online), good herbal shops and specialist online shops operating in the cannabis sector.
At CBD Purehemp.co.uk, we focus exclusively on selling CBD oil and other hemp products. We know the industry very well, we keep up to date with offers of renowned brands and novelties appearing on the market. For our offer, we select only the best CBD oils sourced from reliable manufacturers who boast certificates guaranteeing the quality of their products. We provide the opportunity for fast, convenient and discreet shopping with delivery straight to your home or to a nearby parcel machine.